The INFJ Circle Blog

What is the INFJ Door Slam? uncategorized Apr 13, 2024

The INFJ door slam is when an INFJ has had enough abuse and decides to cut a person out of their lives. In essence, they slam the door on that person and that relationship.

Like magic. Presto. Now you see it, now you don't.

Often, this is permanent, but a door slam can be reversed. I still say...

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5 Great INFJ Life Lessons from the Stoics uncategorized Apr 13, 2024

About nine years ago I purchased a book written by Seneca (a Stoic philosopher). I must say that I never expected that I’d get valuable life lessons from Stoicism. Honestly, had no clue what Stoicism was and had no idea what it had to offer. However, after digging into the book I felt that...

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INFJs and Exercise uncategorized Apr 13, 2024

As an INFJ who loves exercise, sometimes I believe I am a bit of an outlier. However, from a very young age I was interested in fitness (thanks to movies like Rocky IV and Bloodsport) and I took up weight training quite early.

However, I understand that as an INFJ sometimes activities like...

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Atomic Habits for the INFJ uncategorized Apr 13, 2024

About three years ago I picked up a book by James Clear called Atomic Habits. It was a really strange title and at first I really didn’t know what to make of it – but, as an INFJ, it turned out to be one of my favorite self-help books.

James Clear puts forth the idea that by...

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